How Buddhist looks at death!
" Life is suffering ( Dukkha)" The Buddha teaches. Life is a cycle of rebirth and death without ending of suffering and that's when The Buddha started to teach the Four Noble Truths: the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. All Sufferings are caused by the unpurified mind (defilements) and that's when the practice of meditation takes place.
How The Buddha taught us about time, " Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." We cannot change the past because it has already passed. When we cling to the past we suffer. Do not dream of the future because it has not arrived yet and to make the future better or liberate oneself from suffering, HE taught us to concentrate at this present moment.
What are we, people afraid of the most? We are afraid of death the most. It does not matter if you are a Buddhist or a Christian death will inevitably come to us all. We have to ask ourselves why do we need to be afraid of death since life is impermanent (Anicca or Anitya)? As Buddhists, we need to confront it head-on in a mindful way that we are not afraid of it and have been prepared for it. We have to remember that we have done good things or great things for the well-being of others we that we will not regret it at our last breath.